Thursday, June 2, 2011

Seeking your feedback

Now that you have gone through our website we look forward to your considered feedback.

Satyajit Ray Society


  1. The new website is unique in its simplicity.The subtle music that plays also adds in the tranquil ambiance. Yet, I wish to recommend you some modifications:
    please allow a right click link on the topics listed in the home page. I mean that once we've click on a link, we're directly taken there and have to return to the home page to surf yet another link. Summing up, simultaneous viewing of the links are not possible.

  2. Very nice website. However, every time you want to go to a particular section, the link is only on page one (also called Home Page) and page one takes time to load as the short clip is shown; then only you get the links. After a couple of times, even that epoch making scene becomes boring and repetitive, particularly when the internet speed is so slow in India.
    I hope this will be taken as a constructive real life criticism.
